4. Berlin. Library Address7. Berlin-Charlottenburg. Hartenbergstrasse mit Ausstellungshalle Address10. Berlin. Unter den Linden Address13. Berlin. Fridrichstrasse der Passag. Unter den Linden Address16. Berlin. Continental-Hotel. Restaurant Address19. Berlin. Continental-Hotel NW7 Address22. Berlin. Potsdamerplats mit in die Patpaiger StraseAddress25. Berliner Typen ‘Sonnenbed’ im Lustgarlen Address28. Berlin is the capital of the GDR. View of the building of the state Council, 1969 Address31. Berlin is the capital of the GDR, types, 1967 Address34. Berlin. Species street » Unter den Linden Boulevard, the Brandenburg gate, the Alexanderplatz station, the German State Opera, 1968 Address37. Berlin. The surroundings of lake Tegel Address
1. Berlin. Die Hochbahn am Wasserthor Address2. Berlin. Kafe Viktoria Address5. Berlin. Speisesaal. Weinrestaurant Casino Address8. Berlin. Wasserfall im Victoriapark Address11. Berlin. Hotell Kosmos Address14. Berlin. Das konigliche SchiobAddress17. Berlin. Continental-Hotel. Rembrandt-Zimmer Address20. Berlin, Continental-Hotel. Address23. Berlin. Typen. Spreewalderinren ‘Echte’ Address27. Berlin. Elektr. Hochbahn, uber die Anhalter Bahn und den Landwehrkanal fahrend Address30. Berlin is the capital of the GDR. Unter den Linden Boulevard, the main street of the capital of East Germany, 1969 Address33. Berlin. Strausberg — Platz. Photo Vetter, 1968 Address36. Berlin. The old town hall, the lobby. Architect Ludwig Hoffman Address
Berlin is the capital city of Germany and one of the 16 states of Germany. With a population of 3.5 million people, Berlin is Germany’s largest …read more3. Berlin. Bismarck Monument Address6. Gruss aus Berlin. Friedrichstrasse Address9. Berlin. Warinnalis Tiets Address12. Berlin. Friedrichstrasse Address.15. Berlin. Continental-Hotel Address18. Berlin. Continental-Hotel. Lesezimmer Address21. Berliner Typen. ‘Komme sofort nach Empfang ciner Postcarte und zahie die hochssten Preise’ Address24. Berlin. Unter den Linden Address26. Berliner Typen ‘Benutzung 5 Pfenning’ Address29. Berlin is the capital of the GDR. The Pergamon altar. Photo Fieweger, 1964 Address32. Berlin. The building of the State Council. Photo Vetter, 1967 Address35. Berlin. Views of the Brandenburg gate, the station Friedrichstrasse, the German state Opera, 1966 Address38. Berlin. Victory column in the Tiergarten Park Address
41. Berlin. Zeughaus — German historical Museum Address