
Torbino — Wikipedia

Torbino the railway station in the Okulovka municipal district of the Novgorod region, in the Borovenki rural settlement.

The village and the railway station are located on the main course of the Oktyabrskaya railway, in 30 km to the North-West of Okulovka (73 km by highway[1]), to the administrative center of rural settlement — the village of Borovenka 15 km (28 km on the highway[1]). In the North of the village is located at the shores of the three lakes: from the North-West of the East coast Kudryavzevo lake, to the North-East of the southern shore of the lake of the Deaf, and to the North the southern shore of the lake Torbino, and at 9 km from the village, on the opposite shore of the lake is located the village Torbino.

The number of the permanent population of the village — 460 people[1].

In the Novgorod province settlement of the station belonged to Krestezki district, and on 30 March 1918 until 1927 station was the center of the Torbino volost Malaya Vishera County. Up to 20 September 1931 Torbino — center against the Swiss district of Borovichi district of Leningrad region[2], then until 2005, the center of the village Council Okulovsy area (up to 1944, the Leningrad region, and then in Novgorod region). Station Torbino founded in 1843, when the construction of the Nikolaev railway, the village of Torbino more than 500 years ago, which is located on the opposite end of the lake Torbino (Uzinskoe) in 8-9 km from the railway station Torbino. Article on the history of the railway station Torbino can be read in the village library With. A. Razgsigaevoi, the author Osmakov A. A.

Near Torbino several times hunted bear the Emperor Alexander II[3].

«The hunt took place in the woods near the station Torbino in Nikolaev railway. Bear is very fierce: wounded two облавщиков, before you went out on the firing line, on which stood the Tsar. The area of hunting was covered by bushes and thick fir-wood, which has not been cleared by an oversight. «The Tsar saw the bear in a few steps, when he jumped out from behind a Bush. Sir shot, wounded beast, but didn’t kill him, and the bear rushed to the Emperor. Another shot of the Emperor do not have time… Ivanov is not lost, cried out: „Lord left, рогатчик forward!“ and at the same moment his shoots, and рогатчик plants рогатину in the chest of the beast, and the beast fell down dead at the feet of the Emperor», — witnessed an eyewitness of the incident».

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